Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord

One day I said, "I love my job, I am so blessed.". The next day the devil decided he was going to make my job a living nightmare. This has been going on the past few weeks with different things from different sides. And every day I would stress more and more about it and wonder why I ever asked God to give me this job in the first place. So I'm just going to come out and say one of the things, the major one. My boss asked me to go see "extra support" (tutor) to help me with my writing skills because my evaluations were not up to her standards. Woah this was a big blow. I had mentioned previously that I am a very proud person so this was very hard to swallow. And this relates to all things that are in any way critical of anything I do. I try my best to take constructive criticism well but it's just not in my nature. It is hard for me to admit when I am wrong about anything. This has been extremely challenging in my marriage, where Justin and I are both the most stubborn people in the world and cannot admit we are wrong unless we are caught red handed. For example, a few weeks ago we went to Massachusetts for my mother's graduation. We had to drive back on a Sunday so Justin refused to drive because the traffic was going to be craaaazy, according to him. I like driving so I didn't care. But I kept telling him the traffic was not going to be bad. Off we left at 9:00am. By 2:30pm we were sitting on our couch in Maryland ready to watch the first game of the Celtics/Magic series. I mentioned the fact that we made it in six and a half hours and he looked at me with this sheepish grin of course. Point: I was right, he was wrong.
Needless to say I did not want to receive this extra support my boss wanted me to get. Why? There was no reason I needed it. Well, because I do like my job and she is my boss, I dragged myself to this meeting and met with this woman. I told her straight forward that I did not need to be there and that I think my writing skills are just fine. I have my Doctorate for a reason right? Obviously not in English. She was very nice and very open to what I had to say. We began the session, which was only supposed to be for one hour and ended up being two. Why? Because I had so many questions! Although my writing was good (not great) there were little errors here and there that consistently continued to make. After she pointed them out to me and went over a few of my reports I saw what my boss meant. It wasn't like I was starting from scratch but I needed someone to just steer me in the right direction with a few things. I left that session feeling so blessed. And I mean that Blessed. It was a hard lesson to swallow but God made his point. All I needed was to humble myself, which was hard, and allow someone to show me a few things and I was that much better off for it. I got an English lesson, but I got a spiritual one as well. There are too many verses in the Bible regarding pride, but the main point is, pride is for the foolish. If you want to be wise humble yourself. Lesson learned.

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