Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sex and the City: Secular vs. Christian Part II

It's been a few days since my last post. I got sick and just didn't want to do anything but what I had to do and then lie in bed and wait to die. While I laid in bed all day I also watched a television show. I guess it's my new secret shame. Ok I will just say it, I am watching the series Sex and the City. It all began with the movie. I never got into the show because I was kind of young when it first came out and in college I never could afford HBO. But I always had an interest in it. When the movie came out I saw it and I liked it a lot. So recently I decided to download the series and watch it from the beginning. I knew it would be sexually explicit but I didn't know how bad. Maybe to some people it's not that serious but to me it was a little shocking. But now I am so into the plot and the love stories that I can't stop watching it.
I'm very careful about what I watch on TV. I know everyone says there is no gray line but with television I think there has to be. I make sure that what I'm watching isn't too bad. I have a list of shows I watch and I stick to it. I watch: Dancing with the stars, Biggest loser, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Ugly Betty, Parenthood, and Glee. Now that I'm writing the list out it seems like a lot, but not to me. This gives me between 1-2 hours a night of television. That's another thing, I don't like watching too much TV. I think it's a waste of time. I'd rather be playing Sudoku then sit in front of the television for more than two hours just flipping channels.
And now I'm watching Sex and the City. I'm down to the last two seasons and I'm almost done. Do I agree with the multiple sexual partners and sleeping with every guy you date? NO. Am I comfortable with watching men and women hump each other til the sun goes down in every episode? NO. The majority of the stuff on this show is what I try to avoid and yet I can't stop watching it and won't. So where do I stand now? I'm not sure. I just feel that everyone has their own personal battles to fight and luckily for me promiscuity isn't one of mine. I honesty believe that everybody's walk with Jesus is completely different. The Lord knows that everyone has their cross to bear and their weaknesses. But so does the devil. He knows where he can get you and how to do it. That's why I continue to build my relationship with Christ and I continue to pray specifically for the things I need help with. Like, my pride and vanity. That is where I'm weak. I love shiny things and I like to show them off. So I pray to God every day to give me the meekness to avoid these two traits. But sleeping around with half the city? I'm not too concerned with that. I know exactly where I stand with that. Should I be watching people doing that? No. I don't really get anything out of watching that kind of stuff. But then again, others do. That may be a gateway to making you want to watch something a little more explicit. Know what are your weaknesses and where your limits are. And pray every day to God that he may help you avoid those things and make you stronger. As I said, every person's walk with Jesus is completely different. So even though in my mind Sex and the city is ok for me, it may not be for you. Ask God.

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