Monday, June 14, 2010

The devil ain't worried about those he already has

It's amazing what happens when you decide to spend some more time with Jesus and build a closer relationship with him. Fires, fires, fires, fires. Today I was confronted by a fire that I've never encountered before.
While I was working today I found ten dollars in my back pocket. It's a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a while and I guess I left ten dollars there the last time I wore them. I got all excited and decided I would treat myself to some subway on the way home with my ten dollars.
The subway I went to was at a gas station. While I filled up my tank I decided to go get my food. Locked my car door, grabbed my keys and my ten dollars. While I was waiting for my food I was holding my drink, my food, my keys  and my money. When it is my turn to go up to pay for my food I look down and my ten dollar bill isn't there anymore. I look back and briefly see it on the floor. I say briefly because in comes a hand and swoops it right up. This big guy decides to take my money and not say anything. Luckily, I saw him pick it up. So I say to him, "Sir can you please give me my money?" He says, " I don't know what your talking about." But with a smirk on his face. At first I think he's joking. So I kind of laugh and ask again. But once again he says he doesn't have anything. I quickly realize that this guy is not going to give me my money. I start getting a little upset. And I tell him that I saw him pick up my ten dollar bill and put it in his pocket. Meanwhile he's at an ATM not even looking at me and repeating that he doesn't have my money and to back off. At this point I'm ANGRY. I can't even believe this guy is going to lie straight to my face and keep my ten dollars that I was about to use for my food. But he is persistent, meanwhile still smirking. By this time I am yelling and the whole store can hear me. I didn't curse, thankfully but I just was upset that somebody could just take money from someone else like that and think it's a joke.
Basically there's yelling back and forth for five minutes and I'm not about to try and go into his pocket cause he looks like the type that would swing at a woman, so I walk away and say, "That's fine keep it." But I am livid. He gets into his car and as he's driving away starts laughing and blows me kisses. What I wouldn't give to be a man at that point and punch this guy in the face. I get into my car and just start balling. Cry, cry, cry. Not because of the stupid ten dollars, but because somebody had the nerve to treat me that way.
I got home and all I could think of was what just happened that I can't even enjoy my meal that I was looking forward to all day. When I finally got the chance to calm down, I asked God, "why." "Why when I'm trying so hard to be so close to you, does all of this stuff happen to me?" At that point I realized it wasn't the man who did that to me, it was the devil working through him. The devil sees me reading my Bible every night, reading devotional books instead of random novels, making more of an effort to add God into my marriage and he is attacking sooooo hard. But Justin said, "you should feel good. Because that means he's threatened." Before the beginning of the year my life was pretty easy. Went through every day like nothing. And I feel that these past few months have been hard. But I know why. The devil isn't going to go down without a fight. But it says it in the Bible, when you choose to stand for Jesus, you will have very hard times. Well, let those hard times keep coming, cause I'm standing firm in the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. He can try to mess with you, but he can't touch you! "for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye." Zech 2:8
