Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Daily Battle Between Christian and Secular, Part I

Every morning when I get into my car I have to decide whether I am going to listen to Christian or secular music. Most of the time Christian wins out but there are those days where I'm just in the mood to shake my hips and nod my head. (yes I do dance in my car)
Christian didn't used to win most of the time. It's more of a recent thing. It began in January when I got back from my Christmas break. There is this morning radio show in DC that is all the fab. When I first began my job in October I found out about this show and would listen to it religiously every morning between patients. The Kane show. These people were hilarious. I have never been so into a show before. I even called once to talk about my dog, Pablito. They didn't pick up my line unfortunately but I was really close. Anyways, when I got back from Christmas break and I turned it on they were talking about porn and sex noises. People started calling in and making these sex sounds over the phone, another woman talked about how her and her husband watch porn five times a day together and that's why their sex life is so hot. It was just gross to me. I switched to another radio station and never turned back.
See it wasn't that one show, it was every show. And I wondered to myself, "why do I find this so entertaining?". I mean I call myself a Christian right? And I didn't even like the music they played. I just dealt with it for the show. It was one of those top 20 stations. They played the same 10 songs all day long. If I had to hear, baby are you down down down down down, one more time I was going to shoot myself in the head.
So I began listening to the Christian radio station. At first their morning show bored the crap out of me. I couldn't stand the way they would talk to each other and all this family friendly chatter was also driving me crazy. But between that and the sex noises I knew what I was choosing. Now I really enjoy the show. I find the conversations interesting. For example, the other day they were talking about how our generation who are in their 20's don't necessarily call themselves "religious" anymore we call ourselves "spiritual". People started calling in and explaining what they think the difference was, it was actually very interesting.
The thing with everything though is you can't get too much. So now I'm getting tired of my Christian station because they play the same songs all day long as well. I love Toby Mac but I need a break. And I have been turning to my CD's. The problem is I really don't have much of a Christian collection. So it's kind of been between Selah, Casting Crowns, Maggie Erickson and Rascall Flatts. Yes, I do count Rascall Flatts as part of my Christian section, that's how sad my Christian section is. So now I'm researching good Christian music online that I can download so I can have options in my CD player. Please anyone if you have any suggestions please let me know. I need all the help I can get. My parents have been listening to the same two cassettes every Sabbath for the past twenty years and I think I'm headed in the same direction.


  1. Check out Israel Houghton. His new album is Rockin!

  2. She doesn't like gospel because I have that CD. Although she does like Tye Tribbet
