Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Waiting for God's answer

We sometimes face challenges in our lives that we just don't understand. When I was reading my Sabbath school lesson a few days ago it said something like, we can make plans but that doesn't mean that life is going to go that way. And that's exactly what I did. Since I was a little girl I've pictured my perfect life with my perfect husband in my perfect house with my perfect children. And when I walked down that aisle I was on my to that plan. But of course just like any marriage I've hit detours on the way. Situations I never expected to be in. And again I continued to ask, why?
This past week I've been asking that a lot. Not so much why but, "Lord give me answers". I've been praying earnestly every day for these answers and nothing was coming. So of course I start thinking of my own answers. Worldly unholy answers. "Maybe if I ask so and so they can give me some advice". "Maybe if I tell so and so this won't seem like such a big problem". I just couldn't move forward with any of these solutions though because I knew they were not what God wanted me to do, so I continued to wait for my answer.
This morning in the car as I was driving a certain text came in my head. Cast all your burdens onto me. I realized I hadn't done that. I was continuing to worry and worry but not trust in God to help me with my challenge. So I did that. I put it aside and concentrated on the rest of my day.
After doing some chores when I got home this afternoon I decided to read a little from this book that I've been reading. It's called Feminine Appeal. And basically it goes through virtues that a Godly wife should have. As I'm reading this book I came across a text that I have read so many times but completely forgot about. When I read that text I got the first part of my answer. It was definitely an aha moment. Then the author spoke about challenges that a wife cannot face alone and where to go for guidance. See I was torn between talking to a pastor or talking to a family member. Well I got my answer. "Seek Godly advice". I'm not saying I won't get that from a family member but I knew what God was telling me. This afternoon I got both my answers from God. The moment I let go and let God. It took some patience but I think He was waiting for me to place my complete confidence in Him. There may be things your struggling with, marriage, job, family, addictions, etc. And you ask yourself, how did I get in this situation, this is not what I planned for. But God has a bigger plan and He has all the answers. Just wait and see and place your confidence in the Lord.

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