Tuesday, June 8, 2010

walking without a connection

Today became technology crisis day. Somewhere between my fourth and fifth patient I lost my phone without realizing it. By the time I finished with my sixth and final patient I was realized it was gone. My appointment book was also missing so I figured I left it at the house before. I called a few people from my patient's mom's cell phone but I was unable to locate it. OMG. I'm not the typical person who needs their phone just to get to work and back and sometimes in the evening. I use my phone all day long. I have to constantly be making phone calls to set up appointments and talk to my co-workers who are also on the road all day. How can this happen?
By the time I realize I've officially lost it I need to go because I have an appointment at Toyota for a oil change to Pietro (my Prius). I'm in a completely different side of town that I'm not familiar with so I try to take a back route to get to Toyota and that turns out to be a mess. I easily get lost and then my gas light starts blinking on some highway in the middle of nowhere. OMG. I have to look for a gas station close by but for whatever reason my GPS/techno packet decided not to work. And I don't have my phone so I can't look up where I can go or where I am. All I have is some dumb DC atlas that I haven't really figured out how to read yet. I have to pull over and I finally get my GPS to work. I find a gas station and as I'm filling up my car walk over to a pay phone to call my husband and tell him to call Toyota to tell them that I'm going to be late. Of course the pay phone isn't working either. At this point I'm feeling completely off my I don't even know what, because NOBODY KNOWS THAT I'M GOING TO BE LATE TO MY APPOINTMENT!
On my way to Toyota I finally calm down when I realize I'm only going to be 20 minutes late. I decide to listen to my XM radio on my way there. Of course it is no longer working because my three months free is up. But I didn't want to listen to regular radio with commercials and talking, gross. I finally make it to my appointment at Toyota and they didn't even notice or care that I was late.
It's funny because this morning as I was heading out to work I realized that I didn't spend any time with God yesterday or this morning before I went to work. I've been making more of an effort to have worship in the morning with Justin before we go to work but that didn't happen yesterday or today. I made a quick prayer in my car and went on my way. Somehow I can survive the entire day with a quick , "hey God", in the morning but will die without my cell phone, GPS, or XM radio. I really wish it was the other way around. I wish that my daily time with God was so important that if I didn't get it I would just feel off for the rest of the day. Maybe God made me lose my phone on purpose so that I would realize that I need to have that daily connection with him all day as well.

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