Monday, May 31, 2010

The Girl without the pearl earring

I love to spend money. Most people who know me, know that I can spend spend spend and not think twice about if I really need something. My husband Justin is the exact opposite. He won't spend the money even if he needs it. So recently we both came together and decided that we (I) need to be more careful with how we spend money and save more. We realized we were spending way too frugurously and that we could put a lot more in savings if we paid attention. So yesterday afternoon I vowed in front of my husband that I would not spend unnecessarily this whole entire summer so that we could put more aside in savings and start on some house projects.
Today we decided we would go to Annapolis and have some diner there and ice cream. Beautiful day to be out walking around and it's a very cute city. After we had our diner, which was within our budget, and we started walking over to the ice cream shop I saw a cute little silver jewelry store. I figured that most of the stuff was going to be unreasonably priced so I figured why not go in and take a look. (I like to do this so that I can point stuff out to Justin and he can maybe start getting a hint of the kinds of things I like.) Well to my surprise the jewelry was actually reasonably priced. So much so that I came upon a cute simple pair of pearl earrings. They were a tear drop kind of design and were small pearls so not too flashy. Just my taste. I look at the price and OMG it's only $28! I reach inside my purse and realize I forgot my wallet inside my car. At this point I look over to my husband with the sweetest look on my face and say, "pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase". Of course the answer was no. He brought up our little budget meeting and this is exactly what he was talking about, blah blah blah blah blah. I kept repeating that they were sooooooooo cute and sooooooooooo cheap. But he just kept saying no. It got to the point where he just walked out of the store and left me there.
I was so angry with him. $28! That's all it was. In my heart I knew he was right but $28! We had ice cream and instead of a sugar cone he paid the extra dollar for a waffle cone! That made me even more angry. We sat on a bench on the side walk and I just couldn't get my mind off of the earrings. Is this how the whole summer is going to go? I love going out during the summer. Why didn't we decide to do this in the winter when I never go out and I'm not in temptations way? I'm not sure if I can do this. I guess I'm just going to have to avoid even "window" shopping. Cause I know I can't even handle that. The point I'm trying to make is I know I'm weak with shopping. I see something and I've got to have it. Everybody knows what their weaknesses are. Whether it be shopping, alcohol, weed, adultery, etc. I know the only way I'm going to stop wasteful spending is if I avoid going to the stores period. Which is a sacrifice I'm going to try my best to make. But if you are trying to stop drinking so much, or stop smoking pot, or stop cheating on your husband, DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU KNOW YOUR GOING TO DO IT! That's just asking for trouble.
I'm still mad that I'm not wearing a fabulous pair of pearl earrings right now. If I could go back I probably would snatch Justin's wallet and run back to the store to pay for them. But I'm pretty sure that by this time next week there will be another item on my mind that I want to purchase and the pearl earrings will be forgotten. But they would have looked so cute on my ears.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, i am somewhere between you and Justin....I'm cheap with everything....except technology. I can't pass by a mall without going into Best Buy and buying 6 or 7 Blu Rays. I need to get a handle on my foolishness...Paying this summer tuition is making me HAVE to budget for the first time in a long time. I've dusted off my old fiscal spreadsheet and started filling it out again...:-(

    You make an excellent poont: I MUST stay away from electronics stores.
