Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poor little old me

I had an interesting day. Several things going on. I have been praying about my food consumption for several weeks. I like to eat a lot. Not only do I like to eat, I like to eat bad food. I have been managing my weight because of this for many years. I have been successful enough to keep myself within a certain range and never pass. Well I'm close to that borderline at this time so my weight watching is getting started. I prayed this morning and said, "Lord help me make good choices with food today and help me not to over eat.". For lunch instead of getting a McChicken I went to subway and ordered a six inch turkey sub. No soda, no chips. Yayyyy! First meal, success.
   There was traffic on the highway on my way home today. When I finally drove by the accident that was causing the traffic, I had tears in my eyes. All I could see was the back of a sedan rolling up from under a huge truck. As I keep driving, I see the rest of the car underneath the truck. From the way the fire fighters and EMT people were standing around I could tell there were no survivors. Not even sure if they had even started trying to take the people out. Of course I almost started crying and I couldn't help but pray at that moment for God to be with the families of the people in the car.
    When I got home I went straight to check my work email to finalize my day. Let's just say that I received an email that did not make me happy. In fact it kind of hurt personally. I guess it wasn't meant to hurt me personally but it did. Professionally as well. I've worked really hard in school to be where I am and when someone says something that kind of demeans your hard work and professionalism it hurts personally. That's as much as I will say. I was literally sitting at my kitchen table balling my eyes out and and cursing at some people (sorry). Justin was trying to comfort me and ask me if there is anything he can do. Eventually I calmed down and we decided to go out for Mexican.
  Remember how I had a good meal earlier today. Totally ruined with chips and salsa, chicken with melted cheese on top, rice, beans, 2 cups of soda, and a banana fried cheese cake thing, which I had to share with Justin. Boooo. Well so much for eating well today. Maybe tomorrow. I had calmed down enough during the meal to share some jokes with Andre and Justin and the married life that by the time we were on our way home I remembered the accident I saw earlier today. It made me think of my over reaction to a stupid email and how I should be thankful that I have a job. Not only a job, but a job that I love, and how many people can say that? Not only a job that I love, but a job that pays well. Not only a job that pays well, but a job where I get to serve those less fortunate than me and I get paid for it. AMAZING. I have a home, an amazing husband, amazing family, and most of all, I have LIFE. I don't know exactly what happened to the individuals in that car accident. I pray that somehow they survived. But if not, I am also thankful that if anything like that were to happen to me or anyone I love one day, I have the knowledge of knowing that's not the end for us. Because we believe in a higher power, and the gift of salvation. Which let's me know that I will be sleeping and the next time I open up my eyes, I will see my Lord and Savior smiling down on me. And that is one promise that can get you through anything every day. This world is temporary. The next world is permanent.

1 comment:

  1. There were no survivors. Here's a link to the headline.
