Saturday, May 29, 2010

Are you ready to be a Daniel

Our church pastor has recently started a new series going over the book of Daniel. This is great for me because I love the book of Daniel and I think it's one of my favorite books in the Bible. And Daniel is one of my favorite characters. I tend to relate to David because of all of his mistakes but I wish I was more like Daniel. He just had this no excuse for his faith attitude and answered to no one but God. I always thought, "man I wish I was as steady in my faith as Daniel was". Time and time again he proved his loyalty and faith in God and time and time again God poured out His blessings on this amazing man.
Our pastor had an interesting view on things and allowed me to see the story from a different side. He spoke about King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. In the first few sentences he said, "Daniel couldn't have been Daniel without Nebuchadnezzar.". Isn't that interesting. I'm not going to list all the verses but if you read through Daniel 2 you'll pick it up. Nebuchadnezzar needed someone to interpret his dreams. But when his usual men came in to help him, he said, "tell me the dream first and then interpret it". My pastor said this was because he was tired of fake people around him. He wanted the real deal. He also was not a believer in God. And he was troubled by these dreams. He couldn't sleep because they were bothering him so much. And, God chose to reveal this very important dream to Nebuchadnezzar, not Daniel.
So basically we represent Daniel, and Nebuchadnezzar represents the people in the world who are searching for something more than this life. People who are tired of fake Christians and people who really don't know what their talking about. He came to Daniel and Daniel was able to deliver. Let me rephrase that, God was able to deliver. So the question is, are you ready to be a Daniel for those around you who are looking for more. This is what I asked myself in church today. I can think of so many people who I know that are definately looking for something more, but am I ready to be Daniel for them. To tell them, all the answers to your questions are found in Jesus Christ. Not only that but am I ready to be that example for them, the real deal. There are so many things I myself struggle with every day, how can I really bring someone to Christ? This isn't something the pastor went into but I kind of came up with an answer myself.
Daniel didn't go around preaching to people and telling them to turn from their sins. Three examples: He chose not to eat the king's food but chose to eat water and vegetables. He was able to tell the king his dream and interpret it. Last but not least, he refused to stop praying and ended up being thrown into a den of lions because of it. What happened? He survived the night and the king proclaimed Daniel's God to be most high. I guess that's all we have to do. Be constant examples to those around us. I've definately been in the situation where I've had a drink in my hand and somehow the conversation of me being Adventist came up. Of course the person would always say, "aren't you guys not supposed to drink?" Uh yeah but.... I always wonder how much more of an example I could have been if I didn't have a drink in my hand and where the conversation could have led to. I'm telling this to myself and to you. You don't have to pursue someone to witness to them. Once you set your life apart for God they will come to you, just like King Nebuchadnezzar came to Daniel.

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