Monday, May 31, 2010

The Girl without the pearl earring

I love to spend money. Most people who know me, know that I can spend spend spend and not think twice about if I really need something. My husband Justin is the exact opposite. He won't spend the money even if he needs it. So recently we both came together and decided that we (I) need to be more careful with how we spend money and save more. We realized we were spending way too frugurously and that we could put a lot more in savings if we paid attention. So yesterday afternoon I vowed in front of my husband that I would not spend unnecessarily this whole entire summer so that we could put more aside in savings and start on some house projects.
Today we decided we would go to Annapolis and have some diner there and ice cream. Beautiful day to be out walking around and it's a very cute city. After we had our diner, which was within our budget, and we started walking over to the ice cream shop I saw a cute little silver jewelry store. I figured that most of the stuff was going to be unreasonably priced so I figured why not go in and take a look. (I like to do this so that I can point stuff out to Justin and he can maybe start getting a hint of the kinds of things I like.) Well to my surprise the jewelry was actually reasonably priced. So much so that I came upon a cute simple pair of pearl earrings. They were a tear drop kind of design and were small pearls so not too flashy. Just my taste. I look at the price and OMG it's only $28! I reach inside my purse and realize I forgot my wallet inside my car. At this point I look over to my husband with the sweetest look on my face and say, "pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase". Of course the answer was no. He brought up our little budget meeting and this is exactly what he was talking about, blah blah blah blah blah. I kept repeating that they were sooooooooo cute and sooooooooooo cheap. But he just kept saying no. It got to the point where he just walked out of the store and left me there.
I was so angry with him. $28! That's all it was. In my heart I knew he was right but $28! We had ice cream and instead of a sugar cone he paid the extra dollar for a waffle cone! That made me even more angry. We sat on a bench on the side walk and I just couldn't get my mind off of the earrings. Is this how the whole summer is going to go? I love going out during the summer. Why didn't we decide to do this in the winter when I never go out and I'm not in temptations way? I'm not sure if I can do this. I guess I'm just going to have to avoid even "window" shopping. Cause I know I can't even handle that. The point I'm trying to make is I know I'm weak with shopping. I see something and I've got to have it. Everybody knows what their weaknesses are. Whether it be shopping, alcohol, weed, adultery, etc. I know the only way I'm going to stop wasteful spending is if I avoid going to the stores period. Which is a sacrifice I'm going to try my best to make. But if you are trying to stop drinking so much, or stop smoking pot, or stop cheating on your husband, DON'T PUT YOURSELF IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU KNOW YOUR GOING TO DO IT! That's just asking for trouble.
I'm still mad that I'm not wearing a fabulous pair of pearl earrings right now. If I could go back I probably would snatch Justin's wallet and run back to the store to pay for them. But I'm pretty sure that by this time next week there will be another item on my mind that I want to purchase and the pearl earrings will be forgotten. But they would have looked so cute on my ears.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Are you ready to be a Daniel

Our church pastor has recently started a new series going over the book of Daniel. This is great for me because I love the book of Daniel and I think it's one of my favorite books in the Bible. And Daniel is one of my favorite characters. I tend to relate to David because of all of his mistakes but I wish I was more like Daniel. He just had this no excuse for his faith attitude and answered to no one but God. I always thought, "man I wish I was as steady in my faith as Daniel was". Time and time again he proved his loyalty and faith in God and time and time again God poured out His blessings on this amazing man.
Our pastor had an interesting view on things and allowed me to see the story from a different side. He spoke about King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. In the first few sentences he said, "Daniel couldn't have been Daniel without Nebuchadnezzar.". Isn't that interesting. I'm not going to list all the verses but if you read through Daniel 2 you'll pick it up. Nebuchadnezzar needed someone to interpret his dreams. But when his usual men came in to help him, he said, "tell me the dream first and then interpret it". My pastor said this was because he was tired of fake people around him. He wanted the real deal. He also was not a believer in God. And he was troubled by these dreams. He couldn't sleep because they were bothering him so much. And, God chose to reveal this very important dream to Nebuchadnezzar, not Daniel.
So basically we represent Daniel, and Nebuchadnezzar represents the people in the world who are searching for something more than this life. People who are tired of fake Christians and people who really don't know what their talking about. He came to Daniel and Daniel was able to deliver. Let me rephrase that, God was able to deliver. So the question is, are you ready to be a Daniel for those around you who are looking for more. This is what I asked myself in church today. I can think of so many people who I know that are definately looking for something more, but am I ready to be Daniel for them. To tell them, all the answers to your questions are found in Jesus Christ. Not only that but am I ready to be that example for them, the real deal. There are so many things I myself struggle with every day, how can I really bring someone to Christ? This isn't something the pastor went into but I kind of came up with an answer myself.
Daniel didn't go around preaching to people and telling them to turn from their sins. Three examples: He chose not to eat the king's food but chose to eat water and vegetables. He was able to tell the king his dream and interpret it. Last but not least, he refused to stop praying and ended up being thrown into a den of lions because of it. What happened? He survived the night and the king proclaimed Daniel's God to be most high. I guess that's all we have to do. Be constant examples to those around us. I've definately been in the situation where I've had a drink in my hand and somehow the conversation of me being Adventist came up. Of course the person would always say, "aren't you guys not supposed to drink?" Uh yeah but.... I always wonder how much more of an example I could have been if I didn't have a drink in my hand and where the conversation could have led to. I'm telling this to myself and to you. You don't have to pursue someone to witness to them. Once you set your life apart for God they will come to you, just like King Nebuchadnezzar came to Daniel.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do not covet thy neighbor's house

I guess when you have one bad day it kind of just naturally carries over to the next. That is why I am sooo happy this is a long weekend. Today I had seven kids on my schedule. For those of you who do not know, I do home care for kids in DC and sometimes Maryland. On a normal day I only have six kids but I wanted to finish early tomorrow so I thought I would add one more today. That did not work out. The hottest day of the year and everybody and their mother decides to come to DC. So by the time I'm on my way to see my fourth patient I'm already an hour behind schedule. Mind you, I had to get home by a certain time because Justin and I were picking out shrubs for our yard. So I cancel my second to last appointment and reschedule it for tomorrow. So much for getting out early.
My last appointment was an evaluation, someone I had never seen before. After I put the address in my GPS and start driving I realize I'm not going to be in my usual neighborhoods. I primarily work in the very low income areas of DC. Basically places you don't want to get lost in. When I first started this job I was very nervous and scared all the time. Not to mention that I stick out like a sore thumb because I'm the only white person in the neighborhood. But I got used to it very quickly. I did not have to worry about that in my last patient's neighborhood. Basically this was on the complete opposite side of DC and I had a nice relaxing and peaceful feeling driving through the old colonial houses and seeing little white children riding by on their bikes. I thought to myself, "man I wish this is where I worked every day".
Once I got inside I became even more jealous because there were boxes lying around the house so I could tell they had recently  moved in. I thought, "how come they can afford this place but I can't". Believe me, we looked it into it. Way out of our budget. I appreciated the brand new kitchen, the hardwood floors, and the crown molding. During my evaluation someone knocked on the door. It was a nice friendly old lady who lived down the street and came to drop off some cookies. I never got cookies from my neighbors when I moved into my house. Not fair. I want cookies. By the time I left the house and began to drive home I couldn't help by covet this amazing neighborhood and cute houses and wish that I had the money to live there.
By the time I got home I was ready to tell my husband that I wanted to move. I want a brand new kitchen, I want hard wood floors, I want crown molding, I want, I want, I want. But see that's the great thing about working where I work and why I believe God put me there and gave me this job. Most of my families live in 1-2 bedroom houses where kids sleep with parents or share a room with mom and dad because there is no other place for them to sleep. 6 member families in a one bedroom apartment. And here I am complaining because I don't have hardwood floors and yet it's just me and Justin in a four bedroom house. How dare I complain. God allows me the chance every day to be grateful for that which I have because I see how much others don't have. For whatever reason today I got to go see life on the other side and it made me a little jealous. I'm just thankful that I'm not in that situation every day because I can't even imagine how ungrateful I would be. I have way too much to be thankful for to be concerned with granite or stainless steel.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Poor little old me

I had an interesting day. Several things going on. I have been praying about my food consumption for several weeks. I like to eat a lot. Not only do I like to eat, I like to eat bad food. I have been managing my weight because of this for many years. I have been successful enough to keep myself within a certain range and never pass. Well I'm close to that borderline at this time so my weight watching is getting started. I prayed this morning and said, "Lord help me make good choices with food today and help me not to over eat.". For lunch instead of getting a McChicken I went to subway and ordered a six inch turkey sub. No soda, no chips. Yayyyy! First meal, success.
   There was traffic on the highway on my way home today. When I finally drove by the accident that was causing the traffic, I had tears in my eyes. All I could see was the back of a sedan rolling up from under a huge truck. As I keep driving, I see the rest of the car underneath the truck. From the way the fire fighters and EMT people were standing around I could tell there were no survivors. Not even sure if they had even started trying to take the people out. Of course I almost started crying and I couldn't help but pray at that moment for God to be with the families of the people in the car.
    When I got home I went straight to check my work email to finalize my day. Let's just say that I received an email that did not make me happy. In fact it kind of hurt personally. I guess it wasn't meant to hurt me personally but it did. Professionally as well. I've worked really hard in school to be where I am and when someone says something that kind of demeans your hard work and professionalism it hurts personally. That's as much as I will say. I was literally sitting at my kitchen table balling my eyes out and and cursing at some people (sorry). Justin was trying to comfort me and ask me if there is anything he can do. Eventually I calmed down and we decided to go out for Mexican.
  Remember how I had a good meal earlier today. Totally ruined with chips and salsa, chicken with melted cheese on top, rice, beans, 2 cups of soda, and a banana fried cheese cake thing, which I had to share with Justin. Boooo. Well so much for eating well today. Maybe tomorrow. I had calmed down enough during the meal to share some jokes with Andre and Justin and the married life that by the time we were on our way home I remembered the accident I saw earlier today. It made me think of my over reaction to a stupid email and how I should be thankful that I have a job. Not only a job, but a job that I love, and how many people can say that? Not only a job that I love, but a job that pays well. Not only a job that pays well, but a job where I get to serve those less fortunate than me and I get paid for it. AMAZING. I have a home, an amazing husband, amazing family, and most of all, I have LIFE. I don't know exactly what happened to the individuals in that car accident. I pray that somehow they survived. But if not, I am also thankful that if anything like that were to happen to me or anyone I love one day, I have the knowledge of knowing that's not the end for us. Because we believe in a higher power, and the gift of salvation. Which let's me know that I will be sleeping and the next time I open up my eyes, I will see my Lord and Savior smiling down on me. And that is one promise that can get you through anything every day. This world is temporary. The next world is permanent.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cooking for my hubby

Any woman who's been married more than a few months knows there are two sure ways to put a smile on your husbands face. One, make them a nice home cooked meal. Two, well if your a married woman I don't even need to say what two is. Well if you want to put a smile on your husbands face every day I suggest you start cooking. When I first got married I was really into the whole wifey clean and cook and make my husband Justin happy routine. That died really quickly after the first few months. I didn't even start working until about three months after we got married but I got lazy and just didn't feel like cooking for him. Well that was the beginning of all problems. Any time we began arguing about anything, whether it was cleaning or taking the dog out, me not cooking for him always came up. Even after I started working. This really frustrated me because all Justin did when he got home was sit on the couch and watch TV. I was still doing all the cleaning, laundry, dishes, taking care of the dog. But I noticed something. Every time I did feel like making him a nice meal he was much more up to doing what I wanted to do and helping me out. Not always, but most of the time.
    So two weeks ago I started thinking, "hmmmm, maybe I'll start cooking for Justin every day for work instead of just 2 times a week". I have to say that ever since I started doing this things have been amazing. Justin always leaves and comes home with a big smile on his face. He gives me kisses while I'm cooking, and even asks if there is anything he can do to help. Not only that but when I ask him to do something, more often than not, he'll actually do it. Who would of ever thought? Well Jesus did. Apparently Jesus has always been big on the whole serving others thing. Luke 22:26 says "Those who are greatest among you shall take the lowest rank, and the leader shall be like a servant." So basically by me serving my husband, I am actually leading him to do more around the house. lol. I know this sounds ridiculous but to me it makes sense. Once I began to serve Justin and do the one thing he asked, he began listening to me more. And it goes both ways. I listen to him more as well. There hasn't been as much arguing or yelling (on my part) going on in my house these past few weeks and I'm thankful for it. And if me cooking every day is the solution to all of our problems (probably isn't) than I'm going to keep on cooking!
     Next time you and your significant other have an argument, instead of saying, "you don't do this for me, or that for me", or "what it is about me?", ask them "WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU."

Monday, May 24, 2010

Patience is a virtue

Recently at my mother's graduation (MS in family counseling) the president of the Boston Red Sox was the keynote speaker. I liked him because he kept it brief.  I don't really remember what he said except for one thing, "throughout life your going to encounter difficult people and your going to be tempted to put them in their place, but don't. Just be pleasant." Aint that the truth. Something I have recently figured out on my own, but was confirmed by a very wise man. I have to admit, and most of you who already know me will admit it to, I am a difficult person. This is something I have been struggling with from a very young age. I have always been too proud for my own good (that's another day) and I don't exactly warm up to people very easily, so at first I can come off as mean. But when I encounter another difficult person I just want to put them in their place. Too many times I have let my tongue get the best of me and have definitely paid the consequences for it. One time in high school I told a teacher he was full of crap in front of the whole classroom when he gave us a test that he knew we weren't entirely ready for. Definitely got a detention for that one. Slowly but surely I have learned that not just most times, but all times it is best to just not say anything.
    People know when they are difficult. I myself just admitted it to you. When you choose to turn your cheek and be pleasant, they will notice. And if they don't notice it, others will. When I was doing one of my clinical internships during my last year in physical therapy school, I had a patient who I think was on the top of the list of the world of difficult people. He was one of those individuals who was too smart, and because of that couldn't quite blend in with the rest of society. Whenever we tried to explain things to him or correct an exercise he was doing wrong he would just yell at us. Maybe it was because I needed to pass this internship or because the Holy Spirit moved me, but I never really let him get to me. It got to the point where I was the only therapist who would work with him. He never said anything or appreciated my help and lack of frustration. But when my final came up at the end of that internship my clinical instructor definitely remembered. She told me that she couldn't understand my patience with that man and that everyone in the clinic was really impressed with how I handled him. I don't know how I did it either. In fact, I hadn't even noticed, but everyone else did. And that said a lot more to them than if I had spoken my mind and let him know exactly how mad he could get me.
Now for those of you who are impressed, just remember that for every good encounter with a difficult person I've had, I have had about a thousand bad ones. There is a verse I always keep in my head when I come into a situation like this that helps me remember where Jesus stands with it all. Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. Easier said than done, but when it is done that burden is lifted and you have a peace in your heart that you would not have if it was the other way around.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Sabbath Blog

 I was checking out other Christian blogs this afternoon to get a sense of what a Christian blog is supposed to look like. I saw a lot of research and a lot of texts from the Bible. I don't believe this is going to be that type of blog. I just want it to be something fresh and light that other young Christian women can relate to. Personally, when I start reading those kinds of blogs it kind of intimidates me. I don't want people to feel intimidated by reading my blog, I want them to relate.
This morning as I was getting ready to go to church I thought about the first year of my marraige and how it was a struggle for my husband and I to get ourselves to church every week. Most of the time we chose not to go. After our first year of marraige we bought a house and realized that we're setting roots for a family. This meant we needed to start taking our spiritual lives more seriously as well. I've always enjoyed church once I got there, it's just the getting there part that I struggled with. It was still a struggle every week to get ourselves to church but now we don't even think about it. I thought about how amazing it is that God helped us get to this level of maturity where we don't have to wake up in the morning and look at each other with a question of, "Who's going to ask first whether we're going to church?". And just this small step means the world to me. And now I've decided that I would like to blog about my day to day struggles with self. I hope whoever finds this finds it refreshing to know that your not the only one who struggles every day with denying self and choosing Christ and that millions of other people struggle with the same exact thing you struggle with. You are not alone.