Saturday, August 7, 2010

God will not give up on you or your neighbor

In church today I heard a message from the special music as well as the sermon. I'm not sure the exact name of the song but the main line went like this, "dont' give up on God, He won't give up on  you." After the song was over the man singing it just kept repeating that same line over and over again. And as I was closing my eyes and singing it, I thought of the meaning to those words in my life. Personally I've never struggled with accepting the whole story of sin and redemption. It was good news to me. "You mean all I have to do is repent and then I can live for all eternity in Heaven? Sign me up!" What I've struggled with is the whole part after that. Following Jesus's purpose in my life. Lately this has been falling into place as well.
So when I was singing this line I wasn't thinking so much about me but those close to me that struggle with accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior. In my mind I was thinking of it more like, "Don't give up on so and so, cause God won't give up on them." It's hard for me sometimes when I get questioned about things I personally have questions about as well. For example, when people ask me, "If God knew that Lucifer was going to sin, why did He create him in the first place?" Or, "Why would God let so many people die to sin if He was so loving and merciful?" I really don't like those two questions. Personally, I have my own answer but they may not be what the person is looking to hear. And I understand it's hard to understand God, that's why I don't try. In my life I've personally known what it's like to walk with God and walk without God and I know which one I prefer. There is no peace like the peace you find when you walk in the Spirit. To me, that is all the answer I need.
I understand that everyone has different personalities. I understand that it is not as easy for some to accept as others because of the way that their mind works. They want answers, they want facts. And when I'm talking to these kinds of people I can get easily frustrated. I can't understand why something so simple to me is so difficult for them. And in my heart sometimes I feel there's just no hope for them. But today when I was listening to that song I realized those are thoughts the devil is putting into my head. Because as aChristian I believe there is not one soul God cannot reach. I honestly believe that. So when I start to think these things that is not the Spirit talking, that's the devil. I smiled to myself when I realized this in church today and I thanked God for opening my heart to realize this. And although I'm going to get frustrated again and again in the future, I will not give up, because God hasn't and He has a plan for that person and that person's life.

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