Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Faith of a child

I find it interesting how I tend to ask God for things, but in the back of my mind I'm not totally believing that He will grant me what I ask for. And I always go back to that verse in the Bible that says we must have the faith of a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. When I read that verse I go back to a simpler time when I did have that faith and did not doubt God's power ever. I remember when I was about seven years old and my sister, Beba, was five or so. She was invited her BFF's birthday party which just happen to fall on a Saturday. Of course for my family, that's the Sabbath. And in my home we were raised to believe that you don't do certain things on the Sabbath, including going to a birthday party. But my parents felt bad and decided to make a compromise. They decided that they would allow her to go after church and with me.
As they dropped us off for a few hours I felt sooooo weird. I kept thinking, "I can't have too much fun." (I know, wrong way of viewing the Sabbath) But it was nice and we were having fun, so the guilt slowly went away. That was until the television turned on. If anyone knows anything about Adventists and televisions on Sabbath, I think that's the biggest taboo there is. Everything was happening so quick that I didn't know how to tell my sister's friend's mom that we couldn't watch TV. Birthday cake, gifts and a few games I could do, but not the television!!! Soooo as nonchalantly as possible I excused my little sister and I briefly and walked to an empty bedroom. I told my sister, "We need to kneel and pray for God to forgive us right now before we watch the TV." So she went first and prayed and then I knelt and prayed.
Now that I look back on it, I think it's hilarious. But it also reminds me how seriously I took my faith and my beliefs when I was only 7! I didn't question or make excuses, I just did what I believed. I'm not saying that watching TV on the Sabbath is right or wrong. That's a whole different discussion. But I just wish that I carried that same conviction with me today. Because I honestly do believe that the Sabbath day is holy and that we should try our best to keep it as sacred as possible for our Creator. But yet sometimes (especially in the winter with sunset so early) that sun is setting on a Friday evening and I'm still not done watching that show or that movie that I quickly popped in, so I make excuses and say, "oh five minutes isn't going to kill me." I wish I could go back to the faith of my inner child and not even think twice about whether or not I should do something and also putting my complete trust in God at ALL times. I wish that when I prayed about my job, I would honestly believe that God will work through me and those around me, or my marriage, that God will help me be a better wife or that Justin would finally start putting his clothes away at the end of the day. I wish that when I pray for health and healing of a close friend or relative, that I would believe that God will come through and heal that person. I think that's what most of us need. The faith and trust of a child when we pray for these things. And then maybe we would see miraculous things happen all around us more often.

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