Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lukewarm or hot for Christ

I went to Prayer night in church today and heard two things that really stuck with me. The pastor discussed Revelation 3 and the church of Laodicea. All of us who grew up in church have heard these verses many times. It's about the church that is neither hot nor cold and how God just wants to spit her out because she's lukewarm. I'll admit when the pastor started reading the passages I was thinking to myself, "man I've heard this so many times." Because we always end up comparing it to our church today and how we are lukewarm. But the pastor began asking people what their opinions of what lukewarm is and what their opinions of hot is. One older man raised his hand and said, "God just wants us to be committed to something. He either wants you committed to the world or committed to Him."
That really stuck with me because so many times in church we hear people saying that at least even though their son or daughter is stuck on this drug or this vice that they are still going to church every Sabbath. So basically does this verse mean that God would rather have them do all those things and not come to church? I don't think that's the meaning. I think that the meaning is for those who are out there doing things that in their hearts they know they shouldn't be doing and then come Sabbath are up on the pulpit talking about this and that.  Because let's face it, too many people do that. We have a name for those people, they're called hypocrites. God doesn't want us to live two different lives, He wants you to live one life.
Another person said something that really stuck with me. This person said that people who are lukewarm are not truly happy. The reason for this is because when they are doing the things they know they shouldn't be doing, all they feel is guilty. They are not happy because in their hearts they know that is not God's way, but they do not want to give it up. I thought of myself in this situation. There was a time when I chose to party a lot, knowing with all my heart that the things I was doing were not right. I remember that I would purposefully get drunk enough so that I could not think about what I was doing anymore. Then when I would finally go to bed I was never able to sleep. NEVER. I would toss and turn all night because I couldn't stop thinking about all the stuff I had just done the night before. When this man made that statement that came to my mind. The only time I have truly felt at peace and happy with myself is when I am walking side by side with Jesus Christ. When I know that He is helping my day to day choices and allowing me to be an example of His love and character to those around me. And I wouldn't give that peace up for anything in the world now. Once you make the decision to go from lukewarm to hot there is no comparison and you just can't go back.

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