Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

I know. It's been more than a while. What can I say? I guess I can say, I wasn't "inspired." I kept waiting and waiting for that "aha" moment and it just never hit me. So I kept putting it off. I usually don't like to write anything down unless I feel that the Lord is leading me to do so. Soooooooooooooo, I kept waiting. Until I realized, "maybe the reason I'm not inspired is because I'm not taking the time to find inspiration". There was my "aha" moment. I realized God can't inspire me to write something down when I'm not taking the sufficient time during my day to read his Word or to talk to Him. I'm going to admit, I've had my ups and downs these past few months. There were times where I was tired of reading my Bible and I wasn't taking time in the morning or evening anymore to spend some time with God. So slowly it began affecting my spiritual life before I even realized it. All of a sudden, I'm sitting in front of the TV for 3-4 hours without realizing it. I'm listening to the pop station during the day in my car. I'm not really taking time out in my marriage to talk to my husband. And it hit me that I was not letting the Lord lead my day to day life the way I had been and I was right back where I started.
So here I am wondering how do I get back? Luckily, I had a 40 day devotional starting in my church where I got together with some prayer partners and that really whipped me back into shape. I decided to stop reading secular novels during that time too and dedicated my reading time to books that would spiritually uplift me. Again, this was harder than I thought it would be, because I was not "inspired" to read these books. But slowly and surely, I got back into it. I began taking 15 minutes a day to read from the Bible and slowly that time turned into 45 minutes. I felt uplifted again. I felt that I was getting that connection that I had lost before. I felt whole again. And it made me recognize that we can't take our spiritual lives for granted. The moment we think we're good with God, the Devil swoops right in and gets past the defenses we've put down. He's waiting for that moment and he will attack the moment he sees an entry way. Because the problem wasn't that I was waisting time watching TV or that I was listening to worldly music. The problem was what was going on in my mind. Where those things were leading me. I'm not going to get into details, but they were things that I thought I was soooooo over.
In order to keep your relationship strong and keep your defenses against what the Devil has waiting for you, you MUST spend time day by day with your Savior. We can't do anything on our own. We are merely human beings fighting against something so much more powerful than us. BUT God promises us that when we call on His name, He will rescue us and sustain us.
I was reading through Matthew and found this verse that I read from a completely different perspective after all this. It is when Jesus is praying in Gethsemane and asks His disciples to watch and pray. He returns to find them sleeping and He says, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matthew 26:41) We can want and want to overcome temptation, but we cannot do it on our own. Jesus tells us that we must watch and pray. The Devil is a clever being and he will take every advantage he can get to make us fall. What we have to remember that is that when we are armored with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, he can't touch us. So please remember to take time every day to ask God to armor you with His Spirit so that you may overcome any temptation the Devil may put in your way.